A forest full of life

The summits of Granadilla de Abona are covered by an extensive area of canary pine forest, a tree exclusive to the Canary Islands. This large mass of trees is home to a large number of birds, some of them unique to the Canary Islands.

Along the network of trails that run through the midlands and peaks of the municipality you can observe some of the most emblematic birds of the Canary Islands’ forests. Here you can discover the endemic Tenerife blue chaffinch, which only inhabits the island’s pine forests. With a little patience, among the branches of trees and bushes you will be able to see Canary Island chiffchaffs, robins, kinglets and a multitude of blue tits. In addition, the highest treetops are the perches from which kestrels and harriers keep watch.

Birds are an essential part of our forests and cultivated areas. They are responsible for dispersing plant seeds and controlling invertebrate pests that can affect our trees, fruit and vegetables.